Pet Of The Month


Pet Care Resources
Want your pet to be featured as our pet of the month?

Share a fun or cute photo of your pet with a description/story by submitting the information to us in the form below. We will choose a pet each month to share on our Website, Instagram, and Facebook page.

July Featured Pet - Hazel

From the day we adopted Hazel from a friend, it was like she was always meant to be a part of our family.

As a puppy she was always playful and friendly to everyone she met. Never one to turn down any type of food, she absolutely devours everything. Next to her love of food, Hazel likes to play with the other cats and dogs in her home. Even more than her love of food and playtime with her pals, she LOVES affection and cuddles.

A few years ago, our sweet Hazel fell ill and has had to deal with a string of health problems. Through all of it she has been our little warrior! With everything our little girl has had to deal with, her tail continues to wag and she’s more than happy to give a little bark to let you know she’d like some treats.

Hazel would like to give a shout out to the amazing team at MacTaggart Veterinarian Clinic for always taking amazing care of her.


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